Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Mean Girls free essay sample

THE MEAN GIRLS Cady Heron, the 16-year-old homeschooled daughter of zoologist parents, recently moved from Africa, is unprepared for her first day of public high school at North Shore High School in Evanston, Illinois. With the help of social outcasts Janis and Damien, Cady learns about the various cliques. She is warned to avoid the schools most exclusive clique, the Plastics, the reigning trio of girls led by the acid-tongued queen bee Regina George. Regina was once Janiss best friend, but they have grown to despise each other since in 8th grade when Regina started a rumor that Janis was a lesbian. However, the Plastics take a shine to Cady and invite her to sit with them at lunch and go shopping with them after school. Upon realizing that Cady has been accepted into the Plastics, Janis hatches a plan to get revenge on Regina for what she did to her, using Cady as a pawn in order to infiltrate the Plastics. We will write a custom essay sample on The Mean Girls or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Having ingratiated herself with the Plastics per Janiss plan, Cady learns about the Burn Book, a top secret notebook of Reginas filled with slandering rumors, secrets, and gossip about all the other girls in their class. Cady soon falls in love with Reginas ex-boyfriend Aaron Samuels, whom Regina successfully steals back from Cady in a fit of jealousy during a Halloween party. Cady, who now hates Regina, goes ahead with Janis plan which involves cutting off Reginas resources, which include separating her from her boyfriend Aaron, destroying her beauty, and turning Reginas fellow Plastics against her: insecure rich girl Gretchen Wieners and sweet but dimwitted Karen Smith. Cady then starts pretending failure at math to get Aarons attention and soon choreographs Aarons breakup with Regina by confessing Reginas infidelity with another boy. Cady also convinces Regina to eat high-calorie nutrition bars by claiming that they actually help one lose weight. She also turns Gretchen against Regina by making her think Regina thinks of Cady as a better friend instead of her. In her efforts to get revenge on Regina, Cady gradually loses her individual personality and remakes herself in the image of Regina. Her act soon becomes reality, and she becomes as spiteful as Regina, abandoning Janis and Damien in the process and focusing more on her image. Regina, now slightly overweight due to Cadys diet sabotage, is excluded from the Plastics and Cady becomes the new Queen Bee. In celebration of her newfound status, Cady throws a party with the Plastics and does not invite Janis or Damien. Janis and Damien then renounce Cady as a friend. During the party, she also alienates Aaron with her unsavory new personality. Regina discovers the truth about the bars she has been eating and strikes back by spreading the entire contents of her Burn Book around the school, inciting a riot; to avoid suspicion, Regina also inserts fake slander of herself in the book, in order to focus blame on Cady, Gretchen, and Karen. The riot is eventually quelled by Principal Duvall. Math teacher Ms. Norbury-who also appeared in the Burn Book, where Cady slandered her by saying that she sold drugs—makes the girls realize that all of them are guilty of hurting their peers. She has each girl confess and apologize to the rest of the girls. Janis confesses her plan to destroy Regina with Cadys help, and openly mocks Regina with the support of the entire school. Regina storms out, pursued by an apologetic Cady, and gets hit by a school bus in her haste; rumors circulate that Cady intentionally pushed Regina in front of the bus. Now without friends, shunned by Aaron, and distrusted by everyone at school, Cady decides to make amends by taking full blame for the Burn Book. Though severely punished by her confession, her guilt dissolves and she returns to her old personality. As punishment for her part, Ms. Norbury has Cady join the Mathletes—which Damien and Regina both described earlier as social suicide—in their competition. There, Cady has an epiphany competing against a very unattractive girl, realizing that even if she made fun of the girls appearance, it would not stop the girl from beating her. Cady wins the tournament and returns to school for the Spring Fling. At the Spring Fling dance, Cady is elected Spring Fling Queen and gives a speech to her class that her victory is meaningless; they are all wonderful in their own way and thus the victory belongs to everyone. As a symbolic gesture, she breaks her tiara and distributes the pieces to her fellow classmates. Cady makes up with Janis and Damien, reconciles with Aaron, and reaches a truce with the Plastics.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Causal Factors of Divorce in America essays

The Causal Factors of Divorce in America essays It is hypothesized that one causal factor of divorce among heterosexual American couples is financial problems. It is said that the number one cause of divorce is financial problems. No mater how rich or poor a person is, one constant subject of marital disagreements leading to divorce is money. In reality, of course, it is not the lack of money that causes divorce. The vast majority of couples who split cite money as the main or primary factor. A recent study found that 57 percent of divorced couples said financial disputes were a primary cause of marital discord (Larson, Newell, Topham, Nichols, 2002). Ten percent said it was the main cause of divorce. However, the issue of money doesn't always have to lead to the demise of a relationship. For married couples the financial aspect of the relationship actually has some benefits(Johnson, Wright, Ketring, 2002). There is a sense of stability and security when two people can work together and manage money cooperatively (Johnson, Wright, Ketring, 2002). Married couples also enjoy more tax benefits than singles because they are more likely to own a home than to rent. However, money can cause some serious pr oblems in a relationship. While different views about money can lead to strife, experts say many times the issue of money is only the lip of the iceberg for a mound of problems that exist in the relationship (Johnson, Wright, Ketring, 2002). One money issue for couples of today have to deals with is the women bringing home the larger paycheck (Crouter, Sayer, McHale, 2001). Now more women are working and many of them are holding down high-paying, professional jobs. Women generally are the money managers in the relationship responsible for budgeting, balancing the checkbook, etc. with little or no input from their partner(Lavee & Katz, 2002) . This was not much of a problem for couples say, a generation ago, when the man was the primary breadwinner of the household. The resentme...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically appraisal and review the provision of pharmacy services in Essay

Critically appraisal and review the provision of pharmacy services in Luton and Dunstable University Hospital - Essay Example UKCPA motivates experts in the medical sectors to benefit the patients or the public through standard health care, workshops and encouraging innovations in health care sector among others (John, 2013). This discourse is about Luton and Dunstable University Hospital’s pharmacy and its comparison with that of Saudi Arabia hospital. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital is situated next to M1 motorway, just between the Luton and Dunstable towns. The hospital can be accessed through the Lewsey road or Dunstable road. The hospital can also be accessed through various bus routes and these are the Arriva and Centre bus routes. Luton is one of the United Kingdom’s largest towns. It neighbors Dunstable and Houghton Regis and it is about 50km in the northern part of London. According to the United Kingdom 2011 census, Luton had a population of about 203,200. This was a 10.2 increase from the 2001 census. Out of the 203,200, 46,756 were below the age of 16, 145,208 were aged between 16 and 74, while about 11,23o were aged 75 and above. The local inhabitants are mainly the Lutonians; however, the presence of some immigrants cannot be assumed. The immigration started in the early 20th century when the Irish and Scottish arrived. The groups were later followed by Afro-Caribbean and Asians. Recently, several immigrants from Eastern Europe found home in Luton and this is enough evidence that the town is comprised of various ethnicities. To go with statistics, Pakistani makes 14.4%, Indian makes 5.2% while Bangladeshi makes 6.7% of the total Luton population (Office for National Statistics, 2012). However, t he whites still remain the majority in the town. According to 2011 UK census, Luton ethnicity comprised of 54.6% whites, 4.1% mixed, 30% Asian or Asian British, 9.8% black or Black British while the rest make 1.5%. There are various religious groups and these include

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should we continue to import goods from China Research Paper

Should we continue to import goods from China - Research Paper Example s second perspective is the thought that protectionism (not allowing imports from China) will bring jobs that have been outsourced and entrusted to China back to the United States, resulting in a vibrant, more productive economy. It is a fact that nearly 200,000 American jobs have been displaced by Chinese imports (Scott) in Wal-Mart Corporation alone. Those who hold protectionism as the answer for creating jobs in America hold this example as an expression of an underlying truth: that imports need to stop in order for the economy to improve. However, what is the overall economic impact of saving these jobs? According to an OECD report, stopping imports from China will actually hurt the American economy, costing $2.16 for every $1 rise in tariffs and dropping world income by $0.73. When a country implements such policies, production does indeed come back to that country; however, since they cannot make those goods as efficiently, consumption decreases because prices go up. Less consumption means more costs and a return to the original problem. From an economic perspective, the protectionist argument against importing goods fails. The opposite perspective, that individuals have the right to choose between all available alternatives certainly seems valid, particularly in response to the analysis that â€Å"open markets will be necessary for a sustained economic recovery† (OECD). Trade with China is mutually beneficial for both parties and should continue until it stops naturally. OECD. "Trade and Economic Effects of Responses to the Economic Crisis." 2010. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Masi Tupangato project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Masi Tupangato project - Essay Example In relation to the increasing pace of the global business environment, it is highly essential for an organisation to develop a well-built structure to effectively operate its various practices. An appropriate structure of an organisation is one of the vital factors to attain substantial benefits as the aspect provides effective coordination between the organisational processes and enables it to accomplish the determined goals (Massa & Zhang, 2010). With relation to the management process concerning the Masi Tupungato project, building effective project team can be identified as one of the major and initial decisions which can facilitate the accomplishment of each phase of the project implementation plan in a more efficient way in terms of cost efficiency, time effectiveness and quality assurance. Notably, as the company intends to manufacture wine following the native procedure in the Venetian regions, its organisational structure and project team should involve professionals who are highly skilled and aware of the rudiments of such winemaking culture. With this concern, the organisational structure of the project shall involve authoritative bodies from Masi who would be responsible to direct the entire process of wine manufacturing and warehousing for the export functions. This particular group of professionals will also be responsible to direct the skilled and trained personnel in the Tupungato region. Additionally, the required numbers of staff and labourers will be hired from the Tupungato valley. and the surrounding

Friday, November 15, 2019

Benefits of ICT in Education and Classroom Management

Benefits of ICT in Education and Classroom Management ICT has so many advantages in the learning and teaching process. Classroom management is one of them that gained benefits from ICT. According to experienced teachers who use ICT in their classrooms that ICT may make the classroom controlling more effortless because ICT provides materials that make the class more interesting and easy to control (Cox and Webb, 2004). The existence of several sorts of ICT tools gives the class other support of learning especially in terms of visual and auditory learning. Thus the definition of classroom management Content management occurs when teachers manage space, materials, equipment, the movement of people, and lessons that are part of a curriculum or program of studies (Froyen Iverson, 1999, p. 128). This managing will lead to organizing students behavior. Jacob Kounin (1970) has vital studies about effective classroom management, which obtained to systematic results in classroom management techniques. Also, he found critical dimensions of effective class control containing the following issues: withitness: teachers know what each pupil is doing; they have eyes in the back of their heads so are able to pay attention to several things at the same time; Letting pupils know what behavior is expected of them at any given point in time; Smoothness: teachers are able to guide pupil behavior verbally or non- verbally without having to interrupt teaching; Maintaining group focus and interest. Leask and Pachler(2005:44) ICT is beneficial for teachers too, to discipline students deportments in the class. In withitness teachers never are busy with other things in the class while answering a question or other activities (Leask and Pachler, 2005). They should pay their attention to students behaviour even they observe them out of the corner of their eye, it will be good. In addition, students know what they are going to do next time. Finally, in smoothness teachers use efficient techniques that guide students in a way, which does not lead to a noisy atmosphere in the class, but without interrupting teaching process. ICT and Motivation: The British educational communications and technology agency (Becta, 2003) has a research about ICT and motivation, which reports that regular use of ICT across various curriculum subjects, may have a useful motivational impact on students learning (cited in Cox, 1997). It is clear that students stand more time in front of their tasks by using ICT like computer than other methods such as: classic method, which was manual, which is manual. ICT may solve discipline problems and decrease them. Moreover, students who used ICT for educational reasons in school feel more successful were more motivated to learn and have raised self-confidence and self-esteem (cited in Software and information industry association 2000). For example, while writing a paragraph by hand there is no grammar check to correct mistakes, but while ICT programs such as Microsoft Office word, which will detect most of the spelling and grammar mistakes. This process will encourage and motivate students certainly. Leask and Pachler, 2005 refer that the impaCT2 project evaluated the motivation of students through 15 case studies in their books. Researchers found that ICT not only encourages students to become more concentrated on the task. ICT also was seen by some teachers to improve both the competency and cognitive functioning (Cited in Comber et al., 2002, p. 9). Effective learning and teaching with ICT: In the late of 20th century and with the beginning of 21st century, ICT has played roles from simple to vital roles especially in developed countrys school. Learning and teaching process become more effective by using ICT. The use of ICT has developed in different ways to meet the needs of learners in different curricular areas. The use of ICT can: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ help learners be creative; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ be a useful aid to problem solving; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ provide ready access to a world of knowledge and research; and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ improve the quality of presentation. (2004, p. 7) ICT assisted students to be more creative in their learning process and it is a beneficial support for problem solving by using different ICT facilities such as: software programs, Internet, and printer. Today, learners have thousands of resources by using ICT in condition while sitting in their home not by searching for knowledge in libraries. Presentations became visual and auditory for students in addition to using software programs like power point. However, all these factors need effective teachers and managements or administrators to apply and achieve these effective benefits on students. The educational effectiveness of ICTs depends on how they are used and for what purpose. And like any other educational tool or mode of educational delivery, ICTs do not work for everyone, everywhere in the same way. (Tinio(2002), p. 19). The useful use of ICT in educational and pedagogical fields changes from person to person and from place to place. It bases on how they are practiced and for which reason. Undoubtedly, some educators use technology in particular computer and the Internet more efficiently than others. They know very well how they use it and when or where and for which occasion. Hence, teaching students the effective use of ICT especially in enhancing access and raising quality is another reason to promote students performance by using ICT and gaining more. The Barriers or Obstacles to the development and integration of ICT in education In the twentieth century schools encounter a number of difficulties including integration of information and communication technologies into the teaching and learning, education curriculum and change in methods in pursuit of developing learner lifelong learning skills (Sabaliauskas and Pukelis, p. 1). Undoubtedly, this is a complex process to change the system of learning and teaching from a traditional method to ICT method. Some people like (Schoepp, 2005) called difficulties as barriers. A barrier is defined as any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective (Schoepp, 2005, p. 2). There are many barriers or difficulties that stand up in front of the development of ICT in education. Teacher-level barriers are lack of teacher confidence, competence and resistance to change negative attitudes. Also, there are school-level barriers, which are lack of time, lack of effective training, lack of accessibility, and lack of technical support (Bingimlas, 2009, p. 237- 241) Disadvantages of ICT Obviously, there are several kinds of drawbacks of ICT in the classroom or outside classroom. The costs of equipments are so expensive that prevent more schools to purchase. Sometimes, students engage with ICT tools for other purposes. Also, ICT is not safe usually for saving data and information because the potential errors may occur in the Windows program or other software programs and hacking by others. The following disadvantages give a list of objectives that staff and facilitators may be required to deal with should problems occur throughout using the ICT equipment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cost à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Distractions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reliability à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Damage à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Safety à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Hacking (Anon, 2008, Integrating ICT throughout the curriculum Jhurree (2005) states that the educational and pedagogical mend happen throughout the world to promote educational level. The integration of ICT in education system is one of them. The effective integration of ICT into classroom needs a systematic plan and scheme. Also, it depends on the policy makers how well understand the dynamics of integrating of ICT. Yet, ICT has been a complex issue because it will change the education completely. The difference that ICT will make in education is conditioned by what education wants to realize with ICT in the context of its needs and strategic ends. The educators must have developed the practice. It begins by good planning that provides the real state of the learners based on globally accepted curricular standards. The value of the ICT tools to make a difference is dependent on the educators identification of the instructional outcomes, methods and materials that ICT can bring efficiently and effectively deliver for the teachers and the learners (Macasio, J. (2008), Levine (1998) emphasises that the significance of planning, which is based on serious school needs then to be achievable and realistic. The scheme or policy should be practical to solve or change the school situation and to improve learning environments that will be effective. To attain objectives that have not been attained efficiently otherwise: expanding access, promoting equality, improving the internal efficiency of educational systems, enhancing the quality of education, and preparing new and old generations for a technology-driven market place (Haddad and Jurich, 2002, p. 47). The integrating ICT into education offers many useful factors such as: an evolved learning environment for learners by giving motivation that make them to work with instruction interestingly and efficiently. ICT has the capability for making instruction easier, more challenging and motivating for teachers. Nowadays, it is possible to contact with people throughout the world by using ICT especially comput er and the Internet. Teachers play a crucial professional role in ensuring that the integration of ICT into pedagogies is educationally sound. They evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of available technologies, deciding when and how to use them with their students.(MCEETYA (2005), p. 4). Teachers integrating ICT into their education need suitable learning activities and facilities to: motivate, engage, and personalize learning. Also, developing ICT literacy establishes communities of learning. ICT and assessment Previously, teachers were assessing their students in different methods such as: exam, quiz, writing essay, assignments, and oral exams, but all these methods were inside the class. Nowadays, information communication technology has changed the situation by using computer and the Internet but it is in the beginning of the loop. Students can send their assignment to their teacher by e-mail or exams and also (open-book; structured; timed). Participation in online discussions Publication of student work /presentations Experiential activities, such as role-play Debates Reviews Journals and reflection (Anon, These are all methods that give students an opportunity to access online and share their ideas and requirements? As can be seen, assessment opportunities making use of the web are still rather similar to non-computerized methods and often only use computer communication to submit or comment on students work in traditional ways. Where computer testing per se is used it often comprises short answers and multiple- choice questions Leask and Pachler(2005:136)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Powerful Impact of Technology on Education Essay examples -- Techn

The Powerful Impact of Technology on Education Technology has become much more common in the past few years in education. It has also been a blessing to some teachers; giving them more time and helping them find a unique new way to teach their students. Computers can be found in almost every single classroom and children as young as 4 years old have been taught the basic skills on the computer. Funding and new programs for computer teaching have come a long way. In the next few years, hopefully every child will have access to learning all sorts of new concepts on the computer. Several new institutes have arisen that focus on improving technology used for educational purposes. The Institute for Computer Based Learning uses technology for higher education. Learning experts and computer experts work together daily on finding new systems to put in the schools. Their main goal is to help the children learn and have fun at the same time on the computer with specific programs. Flexible learning is a key research theme for the Institute. They have worked to further develop the understanding of task-based learning environments and telematics-based learning. These programs have a large impact of how technology in education will further in the future. Funding for technology has come a long way. In 1999 Congress approved a plan to use $689 towards educational technology programs. Different organizations have come out that use turned in receipts from local grocery stores towards getting new computers for the schools. Others organizations are raising money to buy new computers for the schools. Other organizations are raising money to be new computers and software for schools that cannot afford it. More and more organizations are real... ...heir time, we hay be surprised at how much they take advantage of the opportunity. Technology is causing educators and students to have new ways of thinking about teaching and learning. When we bring technology into our school systems, we are gibing children the opportunity to live a better life. They will have higher self-esteem and feel as though they can accomplish anything that they put their mind to. In the future, computers will be main source for teaching our young children. Who knows how far technology will really take us? References The Institute for Computer Based Learning, Heriot- Watt University A+ Learning Technology for Kids, Funding for school technology "Education Leadership". Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. V. 56, No. 5 February 1999

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Life of Mind

Riza Abilova Id: 20120438 ARW I, Section 4 Date: March 29, 2013 Discussion essay Second draft Does is living with less have a beneficial influence on people’s life in U. S? A person’s lifestyle is like a mirror. It shows who and what a person is, what he or she does, how he or she dress and what conditions he or she prefers. Some people are happy with a small amount of money with comfortable living while others want to earn large amounts of money and become rich. However, living with less is like having minimalist lifestyle which involves material limitations, less consumption, more space, less unnecessary possessions and so on.Furthermore, as Graham Hill (2013) entrepreneur and founder of LifeEduited. com and TreeHugger. com reports, â€Å"I sleep better knowing I’m not using more resources than I need. I have less and enjoy more† (n. p) (as cited on www. nytimes. com). Living with less brings appreciably more satisfaction, relaxation and enjoyment. Moreo ver, people will not get attached to things. For one thing, people who depend on their possessions and luxury life, in many cases lose part of life that is really important. The minimalist lifestyle in U.S is a beneficial way to allow pleasure and better health and spending less time on new technologies but on the other hand people get losing this knowledge of modern society of this country. One of the advantages of living with less in U. S is that people can take more joy and time. Living with fewer possessions is not only having joy but also is very closely related to the times and technology. The fewer possessions you have to worry about, the more time you have to spend with friends, family or in nature or beautiful places in life. Technology is incredible and infinitely developing, but occupies most of our time.For example: social technology provides the ability to connect, communicate and also play games and others. As Albert Einstein who theoretical physicist and one of the fo unders of modern theoretical physics (1921) demonstrated, â€Å"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity†. (n. p) However, one should note here that technologies can take away a large part of the time of your life. If on the one hand it can be said that it is beneficial having enjoyment and more time, the same is true for better health.Another beneficial advantage of living with reducing possessions in the United States is that people feel less stress. Living with less material stuff allows people the ability to not worry about their obligations. Therefore, living with fewer possessions allows less worrying about obligations which includes cleaning, repairing, breaking, and obsolete of these materials. Material objects not only lead to physical fatigue but disorders like depression too. As American Psychiatric Association (2011) shows, â€Å"depression is a common and highly treatable disorder affection over 17 million American adults a nnually† (n. ). It is generally agreed that stress and nervous feelings brings a negative effect on disorders. With living with less stuff, you can avoid depression and aggression by obligations of items. Another way of looking to this lifestyle, it is about surplus of knowledge of new technologies. One of the unbeneficial ways of living with less is that using less modern technologies. For instance, if people stick to this way of life, and they prefer not to use the new technologies, gadgets and other things, it will be bad influence on the formation of person as a modern one.Many people will consider as a primitive man who is absolutely nothing know, it is difficult to have a dialogue with someone who cannot understand what others mean. Likewise, as Jonas Salk who was an American medical researcher and virologist (1979) shows, â€Å"This is perhaps the most beautiful time in human history; it is really pregnant with all kinds of creative possibilities made possible by scien ce and technology which now constitute the slave of man – if man is not enslaved by it†(n. p) . In reality, all technologies are developing that is why future without him nothing would do.The most importantly is that being a successful person makes a big influence on the skill of modern technology not only for work but also for self-improvement. One should, however, not forget that if people have lack of knowledge of new technologies, in many cases, they can’t find perspective job to successful career. Our modern world is difficult to imagine with lack of knowledge of computer technology, and successful professional worker without this knowledge. The United States is one of the most highly developed states in the world that is why new technological hings have an important part of their life. A minimalist lifestyle offers the enormous benefits and if Americans want to take more joy and time and feel less stress, they need to start living with less. As Julie Schor who is a professor of Sociology at Boston College (2002) shows, â€Å"we need to invest more meaning into material objects to slow down the buy-use-discard cycle of U. S. consumer goods†(p45-60). This means, society of this country should really think about material possessions, whether want to buy it, whether it is beneficial or useful etc.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Empowering Women essay

buy custom Empowering Women essay Introduction The bildungsroman is a literary genre derived from a German word which roughly translates to mean a novel of personal development that basically follows the journey of the protagonist covering the personal, emotional and or the spiritual development right from childhood to stages of maturity. Bildungsromans serve both cultural as well as political functions for the modernist women writers and this is attributed to the fact that women use this type of literary genre for self creations and for self understanding as opposed to claims by male writers of modernism that they use it to escape the real world. Women writers of modernist use the genre as a means by which they can approach experience with the hope if changing it and therefore acts a model by which women metaphorically accommodates womens efforts at self expression. Book reviews The term coming-of age is sometimes used interchangeably with the word bildungsroman and often such use is less technical and wider. Generally, in this genre change is very fundamental and is characterized by various formal, topical as well as thematic features. The genre of bildungsroman comprise of a person coming of age by looking for answers as well as experience starting with lose of emotion making the protagonist leave on the journey. More often this genre targets at maturity where the protagonists achieves it on gradual but with difficult. Most novels falling under bildungsroman features a conflict between the main character and the society where values are gradually accepted by the protagonist leading to his acceptance in the society when his mistakes or disappointed are over or equally same the protagonist is able to reach out and offer help to others after achieving the level of maturity. Bildungsroman used by female writers use a more innovative approach through use of iro nic elements of tradition. The female bildungsroman follows the growth of a young woman towards social and emotional maturity as variation of type with more focuses laid on achieving inner devilment and maturation in a patriarchal society. The bildungsroman is exemplified by novels written by various female artists for instance the novel entitled The Color Purple by Alice Walker published in 1983 targets at empowering women by committing itself to revealing the victimization of black who are in abusive relationships. The author of this book empowers women by giving a voice to her female protagonist as well as to other female characters to put them in a position where they are able to articulate their suffering. In addition to that Walker gives her female characters a chance to survive through their tribulations while providing them with avenue of breaking themselves free of such abusive relationships. In the color purple walke narrates a story of a woman by the name Cecile who is leading a persecuted life. Cecile is forced to stay with her father Pa, who repeatedly rapes her and takes her illegitimate babies away from her. She is then forced by circumstance to separate from her small sister Neetie consequently leading her to be trapped in a loveless marriage with an older man MR.-. She is forced to raise his children, cook for him, work in his field, to endure his violence and humiliation, his sexual assault as well as even taking care of his mistress Shug Avery. Walker work utilizes the genre of bildungsroman as in the beginning of the story Cecile is portrayed as a weaker being unable to defend her own rights mainly because of her religious belief. While she matures she is able to break herself free from her enslaved life leading her to happiness in the end of story characteristic of her attaining maturity stage. Surprising her success in setting herself free from her tribulations in life is fostered by Mr.- mistress Shug Avery which enable the author to celebrate the significance of blues women thus employing the blues theme characteristic of bildungsroman genre. Walker therefore empowers women by making Shug Avery her strongest character as well as the most assertive female charter making her the role model as well as a catalyst fro change in her community and this makes the protagonist to reach out and help others in the society making her acceptable in the society despite her initial behaviors that contradict the societal norms in this case Shug was initially a mistress which most societies consider abnormal. Walkers book the color purple also employs the bildungsroman genre where she employs feature of confessions which is characteristic of female bildungsroman and this is evident when she uses confession to empower her female characters to attain maturity in the social and emotional; development. For example in the novel, walker utilizes the epistolary or letter writing making the book to resemble a diary as Cecile is able to tell her story through her writing of private letters addressing to God. Considering the fact that Cecile is portrayed as a poor Africa-American woman living in rural Georgia in the years of 1930s and a victim of an abusive relationship she is almost voiceless as well as disenfranchised in every day society. She narrates the story of her life with complete honesty and condor through her letters which ultimately enables her to break the silence normally imposed to her in a private manner. Ceciles confession narrative empowers her to free herself from her tribulation s and this is evident by the fact that the author uses Ceciles own voice to tell the account of institutions racism and sexism in first person account. E.g. Cecils own words my momma dead. She die screaming and cussing. She screaam at me. She cuss at me manages to bring the readers into her world filled with pain and numbness. Woman's Ways of Knowing by Mary Field Belenky, the Color Purple by Alice Walker, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson all use the style of female bildungsroman as all of them portrayed the female protagonists as heroines who have a tendency t grow down as opposed to growing up and this is characteristic of Fuderers bildungsroman .for example in the book Womens ways of knowing by Mary Field Belenky, a woman starting to know things by first being aware through either formal a or informal education that is carried out in a male dominated society where the voice and experience of a woman is largely absent (Belenky,78). Women start knowing through various stage with each stage being more advanced than the previous one e.g. the author shows that women advance through five ways of knowing which starts with silence which implies the state of voiceless, stage of received knowledge, the subjective knowers, procedural knower, and finally the constructed knowers. This female way of knowing empowers wo men to discover themselves in a better way thus making them to advance themselves from the state of voiceless to create of greater personal sense of self thus constructing meaning for themselves through finding of their voices essential for both teaching and learning. In her book possessing the secret of joy, Alice walker illustrate t hat violence begets violence through her female protagonist character Tashi who marries Ceciles son Adam and submits to female circumcision out of loyalty to the threatened community customs of her community, the Olinka. She is then force to endure physical pain as well as long lasting emotional trauma making her to stretch across two continents while attempting to get answers why women have to undergo such suffering for the sake of men. She eventually succumbs to madness but still manage to get joy take possession of secret of joy. In her novel the author empower Tashi by following her right from her childhood of innocence right to her adulthood where is matures emotionally and socially and able to understand the reasons why women undergo immense suffering for men even in the guard of their mothers. Walker portrays the strength that comes with empowering women when she introduces the phrase at the beginning of her n ovel "When the axe came into the forest, the trees said the handle is one of us." To illustrate this, Mlisa and Tashi are both portrayed as victims of the society that has perfected its art in mutilating women, leaving them to deal with the consequences of the traditions alone making them hurt each other instead of joining hands together in understanding of each others pain. Buy custom Empowering Women essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Amazon Self-Publishing How to Publish on Amazon Step-by-Step

Amazon Self-Publishing How to Publish on Amazon Step-by-Step Amazon Self-Publishing: How to Publish on Amazon Step-by-Step Amazon self-publishing is on the rise. With it being the #1 retailer for books worldwide, that makes sense.But if you wind up making some errors in publishing on Amazonlets just say your results as an author will be less than satisfactory.After all, the self-publishing industry is pretty sensitive to those making mistakes.But Amazon self-publishing is the best option to self-publish and weve made it even easier for you with this guide for  doing it with Kindle Direct Publishing.You no longer need to go through painstaking efforts to land a book deal which locks you into unrealistic deadlines and cuts you out of most of the earnings.You can now have complete control of your book and its revenues by Amazon self-publishing.But many writers get overwhelmed by the abundance of information about self-publishing. It can be intimidating for first-time publishers. We get it we were just like you!So to ease some anxiety and uncertainty, we created this step-by-step comprehensive self-publ ishing guide for you to follow in order to get your book published on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing Network.Here is your full guide for Amazon Self-Publishing:Creating a Kindle Direct Publishing AccountCrafting Your Book Title SubtitleWriting Your Book DescriptionChoosing the Right KeywordsSelecting the Right CategoriesUploading Your ManuscriptCreating a Book CoverPricing Your BookLet’s get started!NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process broken down with videos in our VIP Self-Publishing Program.If you are ready to publish your book NOW then make sure to check out our comprehensive, step-by-step guide to becoming a bestseller. Learn more about it hereAmazon Self-Publishing Why its the Best OptionTraditional publishing is on the way out. This has been the reality for some time now and for good reason.While traditional publishing had its time and was once theonly option for publishing a book, th e system in place right now is one made for the next Stephen Kings not for those who have value to share with the world.Why Amazon Self-Publishing is the Best OptionThough traditional publishing is still a viable option for some, Amazon self-publishing is the best option and heres why:Over 70% of books are sold on Amazon310 million book buyers through Amazon last yearThose buyers accounted for over $178billion in salesIts easier and faster with Amazon self-publishingThere are major differences between traditional vs self-publishing with the majority of authors opting to take their talents to Amazon instead of through one of the Big 5 publishing houses.And you should too. What is Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)?Throughout this guide, youll read the term Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP. It might sound self-explanatory but well cover some basics.This is an Amazon self-publishing platform that allows you to create and manage your Kindle eBook, paperback, and even audiobooks in a single place. It’s widely used to build books from the ground up.And fortunately, setting up your KDP account is easy, and should be the first step you complete.Your Guide for Amazon Self-PublishingSure, anyone can technically self-publish on Amazon, but that doesnt mean it will do well and actually sell. You have to know the specifics, from setting up your KDP account to the pricing of your book.If done correctly, you can expect a successful launch and a substantial amount of passive income. Here are our steps for Amazon self-publishing.#1 Create a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) AccountBefore you can start with Amazon publishing, you first have to have an account set up with them.Heres how to set up your Kindle Direct Publishing account:Go to and register with either your Amazon account or with your email address.Next, click â€Å"Update† in your account information and fill in your tax information. It’s important to note that you need to compl ete your tax information BEFORE you can publish your first book. So don’t skip this step!Once your tax information is complete, click â€Å"Finished† and return to the main page.Your profile is complete!With your KDP account setup, proceed to setting up the details of your book, as seen in the areas below.#2 Choose a Book Title and SubtitleIn your Kindle Direct Publishing profile, you need to fill in the title and subtitle of your book. While a subtitle is optional, having a good subtitle is something you should definitely consider to bring in more views and create stronger intrigue and help people find your book when searching.Here are a couple tips to crafting a great book title:Use a Book Hook: Your book hook should speak to the reader in a unique voice that grabs their attention and feeds into what they are looking for.List the Benefits: Your potential readers want to know what they will get from reading your book. One technique is to deliver the benefits in the s ubtitle, providing enough tantalizing information to further attract readers.Think about what you would be attracted to in a book title. Keep it simple, clear, and unique. Research the title you want to use and make sure it hasnt been scooped up by a high-performing book already.You dont want to make competition for yourself.#3 Write Your Book Description for AmazonYou need a powerful book description in order for potential buyers to read what its about. Even though the cover and subtitle should do a great job of this, we all want more information when it comes to putting money toward something.Here’s what people notice first when seeing a new book:TitleCoverBook DescriptionA book description is essentially a short written narrative that illustrates what your book is about. It should be written like a sales page to capture the interest of your reader.This is crucial because the description, in many cases, is the final factor that determines whether the reader will read your book or not. That, and great Amazon reviews.When done correctly, a well-written book description can practically sell a book on its own.Here are some strategies to help craft your perfect description:Make your first sentence as enticing as possibleWrite your description like a sales page or advertisement, not a dry summary of your bookHave the description feel personal and empatheticDetail the benefits your reader will gain by reading your bookHeres a great example of a full book description on Amazon:You can find more amazing description examples with these books:Champion Mindset: Tactics to Maximize Potential, Execute Effectively, Perform at Your Peak – Knockout Mediocrity!By Patrick KingNovice to Expert: 6 Steps to Learn Anything, Increase Your Knowledge, and Master New Skills by S.J. ScottSpend some time crafting your eye-catching book description. It will make your book stand out to your readers and motivate them to purchase your book.For the best results, we recommend using the Free Amazon Book Description generator at Choose Your Amazon KeywordsIf you want your book to show up in Amazon and Google search engines, you’ll need the right mix of keywords. Since Amazon allows only seven keywords per book, keyword selection requires strategy.But whatare keywords exactly?Keywords are specific words or phrases used to describe your book. If someone was looking for a book on your topic, they might type one of those keywords into Amazon or Google in order to find it.For example, if your book is about perseverance, you might find keywords like this useful:how to have perseverancewhat is perseveranceperseverance examplesperseveringpersevering when its hardThese are all phrases or words people looking to better themselves with perseverance would type into search engines in order to find what theyre looking for, like in the image below.You can research the right keyword phrases by using search tools such as:KDP Rocket: This is a gr eat tool for comparing Google search results to Amazon. It gives you a competitive score from 1-99, keyword results from both Google and Amazon, and how much money other books are making.KW Finder: This tool gives an analytical view of the keyword popularity using a competitive ranking. You can search for five keywords for free per day.Amazon’s Autofill Function: Take advantage of Amazon’s search box to find good keywords. Amazon’s suggestions are based on search history so you want to search for words that are high in demand with little competition.Make a list of possible keywords for your book, then leverage the tools above to test your keywords. Putting in the time to get keywords right will have your book rank higher and appear more frequently to readers.#5 Select Your Amazon CategoriesAmazon provides a collection of categories and subcategories to choose from. Like keyword selecting, your goal is to look for trending areas that don’t have tons of co mpetition.If you visit your book page, these categories will appear partway down the page, displaying the rank like in the image example below.These categories are what you will rank as a bestseller in, which is why you want to make sure you pick fitting categories that are specific, but also not super competitive. You want to stand out.You can also check the rankings of the top three books on the first page of each category.Amazon sales ranking measures how well a product is selling compared to its competitors. All books that are ranked 2,000 or less are considered to be highly purchased products in that particular category.Here are a few tips when publishing on Amazon in order to rank in more categories:Research your competitors keywordsChoose trending categories with lower competitionAcquire additional categories by contacting Amazon and asking for keyword placementUnless you have an established audience with significant downloads and reviews, try to aim for categories with books that rank between 10,000-30,000.Do you want to know how to rank for ten categories? Check out our blog post that detailshow to get approved for more categories on Amazon.#6 Upload Your Manuscript to AmazonTo upload your manuscript, it first must be saved in a supported kindle format.Heres how to upload your book to Amazon:In your Kindle Direct Publishing account, go to â€Å"Your Bookshelf†.Locate and click on â€Å"Kindle eBook Actions† next to the title of yourbook.Locate and click on Edit eBook Content†.Click on â€Å"Upload eBook manuscript†.Upload your manuscript file on your computer.Upload complete!Once Amazon finishes uploading your file, a confirmation message will be sent and you can preview the uploaded file to check for any errors.You can upload the manuscript as many times as you want and the new version will override the existing.It’s important to check how your book looks using the â€Å"Look Inside† feature once the book is live on Amazon. This feature is often the first thing your prospective readers will click on when checking out your book.If the formatting is off here, it can deter readers from picking up your book. Take this extra step to make sure your formatting looks good here too.#7 Create Your Book CoverWhen it comes to publishing a successful book on Amazon, having a perfect book cover design is one of the most important aspects to get right. Contrary to what we were told growing up, people do, in fact, judge a book by its cover. Its actually one of the biggest deterrents.Your cover is exactly how your book will be judged at first glance.So you must make sure that it is created professionally and that it will stand apart from the rest of the books in your genre or category.You can find cover creators on freelancing sites such as:99 DesignsHappy Self Publishing100 CoversPrices will depend on the level of service, but these sites will give you plenty of amazing graphic designers to choose fro m! It’s a great investment that will make your book stand out perfectly.If youre a Self-Publishing School student, we will actually provide a list of qualified, trusted book cover designers you can work with in order to get a worthy cover.Make sure to do your research regarding what type of book cover does best in your genre. Fantasy books, for example, will be a lot different than a memoir or even a historical fiction.#8 Price Your BookA question often asked is: â€Å"How much should I be pricing my book at after the initial launch is over?†This is up to the author, but generally, the best range to have your book priced is between $2.99 to $9.99.The royalty payments vary depending on the country, but you can learn more on KDP Select pricing page.One popular strategy for beginners is to price your book at $2.99 and gradually increase it by $1 per week. At some point, your sales will begin to dip. And while that’s normally a negative statistic, for this case, it confidently tells you the perfect price of your book that guarantees a profit.Here are the 4 main pricing strategies to consider in order to be competitive and sell books:Know the price of your competitors. Compare the list price of your book to the books around you and determine if you would be able to sell your book for a higher price.Know the size of your followers. Famous authors can charge a lot for their books because they have a big following. If you’re not in this category, your book should be priced lower to encourage new readers to buy your work.Determine price based on the size of your book. Size does matter when it comes to books. Don’t charge $20 for a 75-page book. Customers will immediately be turned off with the lack of content at that price point.Measure price based on reviews. Reviews carry a big weight on influence, and is social proof that your book has been read and well received. Therefore, a book with higher reviews (1000+ reviews) can be priced higher compared to a book with fewer reviews (30+ reviews).You can get legitimate and honest reviews from:Your personal launch teamAmazon’s top reviewersFans of your social media pagePersonal email listAdding a note to leave a review in your bookExperiment with these strategies to pinpoint the price for your book, it will drive long-term success.Your Next Steps for Amazon Self-PublishingIf you want to become a self-published author, you must be fluent with platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and more. For that reason, you must take actionnow because you can never have too much knowledge when it comes to self-publishing your book.#1 Utilize your FREE training!Thats right. We have some free training all ready to go for you. Chandler Bolt put together this video training guide that will help you learn what it takes to go from blank page to self-published author in as little as 90 days!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Strategic Management plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management plant - Essay Example The opportunities that are available to the firm are that of growth and government support. Threats that the company is facing include pirate attacks, weak economy, and environmental pressure groups. In this report we have suggested three long term objectives for the company. First long term objective is to lower operating expenses to 1500 million Euros by year 5. The second long term objective is to increase revenue by 20 percent by the end of year 5. The third long term objective is to reduce environmental pollution by decreasing the use of environmentally dangerous fuel by 20 percent by year 5. By using the tools like Grand Strategy Selection Matrix and the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters we have reached a conclusion that concentric diversification strategy should be adopted by Hapag-Lloyd because of the large size of the firm and its relative position in the market. The key success factor for the company is to lower its operational cost. The whole industry is facing this problem and it is important for the company to solve this issue in order to maintain its competitive position. Another key success factor is to enter in similar businesses like air cargo services in order to achieve concentric diversification. ... Both the companies operated during the World Wars too and this shows the rich history of the company. It can therefore be safely concluded that the foundations of the shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd is quite strong. The size and stature of the company can be deduced by the fact that it is currently the fifth largest shipping firm in the world (Taylor, 2010). Hapag-Lloyd has offices in around 114 countries which show the extent of their business. The services offered by the company are aimed at providing ultimate customer satisfaction. The internal company structure is vertical with a board controlling all decision making. All international offices follow a standardized plan designed in the Hamburg headquarters. Although some levy is also given to the foreign offices so that they can adapt to the local environment. Hapag-Lloyd mainly targets high end customers who are willing to pay high prices for quality services. Currently the company is facing problems from the Somalia pirates who are looting and hijacking ships in Arabian and Indian oceans. Hapag-Lloyd is also facing pressure from environmental groups to reduce sea pollution. The industry in general is constantly searching to find environmental friendly ways to reduce pollution and preserve natural habitat. Increasing fuel prices is also affecting the shipping industry. Vision Statement The company does not have a vision statement currently. I would suggest the following vision statement, â€Å"Satisfaction of global clients by providing, safe, superior and quick services in an environmental friendly manner†. This vision statement broadly speaks to the external world about the business of the company. The mention of the word ‘global’

Friday, November 1, 2019

Emergency Response Effort Directed To a Major Aircraft Mishap Research Paper

Emergency Response Effort Directed To a Major Aircraft Mishap (Aircraft Crash and Emergency Management) - Research Paper Example The Sioux Airport after recognizing the situation informed the entire rescue agencies to reach the place immediately where flight had landed. Following the crash, the rescue members had performed effectively to save the passengers. The fire fighters had performed efficiently to fight the disaster. Despite huge challenges, the emergency plan was operated in an effective manner as the airport emergency facility had already planned to combat if there was any occurrence of disaster. 1.0 Introduction United Airlines Flight 232 had left for Chicago on 19 July of 1989. The three hydraulic systems of the airplane had failed to operate after covering a certain distance. Sudden explosion had occurred which had shook the entire airplane. Finally, it was determined that one of the engines of the flight had failed. Due to the imbalance of such parts of the airplane, disaster occurred (Bibel, 2008). In this study, entire events that had taken place before and after the crash have been discussed. The role of emergency plan and that of the firefighter during the incident of the crash have been included. The problems that were faced by the rescuers during rescue are identified. The processes and the steps have been determined that had been adopted and implemented by emergency plan throughout the rescue process. The role of fighters in extinguishing the fire and the way they rescued the passengers is included. The paper also explains the role of emergency rescue in improving the rescue process of the passengers. 2.0 Events Leading To Before and After  Wreck United Airlines Flight 232 had no problem in its ‘tail mounted engine’. It was checked properly one year before the crash. However, on 19 July, 1989, a sudden problem raised in that part of the airplane causing catastrophic failure due to prolonged exhaustion pressure. A sound of crash was heard from the mounted en gine of aircraft’s tail. At that time, a failure had occurred in the engine fan assembly which had broken the fan blades into sharp pieces and sent the parts of the engine by means of right horizontal stabilizer. Crew at that moment identified that the hydraulic system that controls the aircraft was out of control. The captain tried to land the flight immediately at the nearest airport named as Sioux City Gateway Airport (Conroy, 2005). The first as well as second hydraulic systems were split with the first outburst of engine. The gashes of the hydraulic lines as well as missing parts of the systems lost pressure and hydraulic fluid entered in the entire systems. After the explosion had taken place the hydraulic fluid had totally drained out (NASA, 2008). In-flight emergency, after receiving information about the flight, sent five ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting) vehicles. The vehicles determined that the aircraft could not reach the airport and might crash. It was re cognized that aircraft might land on runway 31 and as a result ARFF vehicles took their positions in